Welcome to the parish of Hythe, in Kent, with its parish church of St Leonard, Holy Cross church and St Michael's Methodist - Anglican Church Centre
St Leonard's Church on Oak Walk Hythe is open daily from 8.30am to 5.30pm
Sunday Services
Sometimes the time of a service may be different on a particular Sunday, so please click here to check the Weekly Notices to see if there is a variation.
8.00am Holy Communion said (Book of Common Prayer)
9.30am Eucharist
6.30pm Evensong
Live streaming services
We livestream services from a fixed point camera in the church. This means that you can join a service as it happens from the web browser on your computer.
To join a service click here and a general Order of Service for our 09.30 service is here.
There are several ways you may support the church financially.
We are a community of faith and hope but it is financial support
that enables us to survive as a Church of England parish.
To donate to St Leonard's click here
Weekday Services in St Leonard's
We meet for Morning Prayer by Zoom every day at 9 a.m. except Sunday, and the text we use is here.
We also meet in St Katherine's chapel for Evening Prayer at 5pm, the text can be found here.
If you have a smartphone or tablet, and would like to use the Church of England's app for daily prayer, you'll find it here.
In the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer and the Authorised Version of the Bible:
Today's Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline (at night).
In the contemporary language of Common Worship and the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible:
Today's Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline (at night).
For details of the OSSUARY (CRYPT) click on the menu on the left
St Leonard's is known as the church with the bones and is famous for its ossuary or Crypt.
Currently the Crypt is closed until Easter 2025
Please use the menu links on the left to find out more in general about our churches, our services, and our programme of music and events, promoted by the Friends of St Leonard's Church.
If you are anxious about being isolated and alone, or in any kind of trouble, please get in touch with one of the Churchwardens by phone or email.
If you have any concerns or comments about safeguarding, or about the safety or vulnerability of anyone in our church community, you are welcome to contact our Safeguarding Officer Carolyn Chivers on 07971086093 or email.
More information can be found on our Safeguarding page.
The Parish of St Leonard, Hythe
Oak Walk
CT21 5DN